BDO Arrow Experience – Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation

You might not have done the Arrows before – come and do them with us!
We have medics, volunteers and lots of support to help you along the way. Walk with your friends, walk with your family, just come and walk to help cancer patients in FNQ.
There are two course options which cater for different levels of fitness. Both courses are fully supported with volunteers and medics positioned along the trails. This is not a running race or relay. You may be a first-timer wanting to experience the Arrows while walking and with family and friends. The short course is a loop starting at Aeroglen, with participants walking up the gentler Yellow Arrow, down the Red Arrow East, along Collins Avenue and then left along the Saltwater Creek path back to Aeroglen carpark. Or, you may want to set yourself a challenge and tackle the more strenuous long course which covers all four Arrows – Green, Blue, Red East and Yellow. If you choose this option, we will ferry you a bus from Aeroglen to the Start of the Green Arrow in Whitfield and you can then walk about 10.4km of the beautiful trails before arriving back at Aeroglen Car Park. Here you can relax and re-hydrate.
Short Course: Up Yellow Arrow track and down Red Arrow East.
Long Course: Start at the Green, then onto the Blue East, Red and Yellow Arrow.
Whichever course you choose, this is a day about getting outside and active, having fun and helping raise funds for local health services.