Dad Jokes of the Week – 8 March 2024

If you missed any of our Dad Jokes over the last week, here is your opportunity to keep yourself up to date with the best damn Breakfast Show giggles around!
Be listening to the Breakfast Show just after 7:00 am weekdays to ensure you get your daily dose and be first card out of the deck for the day.
Monday: I thought I was alone in the bath last night. Imagine my surprise when I felt a tap on my shoulder!
Bob’s Bonus: I want to tell you about a girl who only eats plants… but you probably haven’t heard of ‘her-before’!
Elvis’ Bonus: Where do farmers find cattle to buy? Cattle logs!
Tuesday: I’ve never owned a telescope in my life. But it’s something I’m considering looking into!
Elvis’ Bonus: Why do golfers always carry an extra pair of socks? In case they get a hole in one!
Bob’s Bonus: If we start telling people that their brain is an app… they might start using it!
Wednesday: I’m writing a book about drinking beer. I’m currently on my 4th draft!
Bob’s Bonus: A grandson said to his grand dad “You and god are very similar”. Grandpa mentally polished his halo and asked “Why is that son?” Grandson replied “You are both very old”!
Thursday: I tried dating a nun but she stopped returning my calls. I got holy ghosted!
Bob’s Bonus: I am reading a book about anti gravity. I just can’t put it down!
Elvis’ Bonus: Yesterday I was so hungry, I ate a clock. It was very time consuming, but I went back for seconds!
Friday: What is blue and not particularly heavy? Light blue!
Nikki’s Mumma joke: Why did the car get a flat tyre? Because there was a fork in the road!