Dad Jokes of the Week – 5 April 2024

If you missed any of our Dad Jokes over the last week, here is your opportunity to keep yourself up to date with the best damn Breakfast Show giggles around!
Be listening to the Breakfast Show just after 7:00 am weekdays to ensure you get your daily dose and be first card out of the deck for the day.
Monday: Easter Monday – NO JOKE!
Tuesday: Two slices of bread got married. The wedding was amazing, until someone decided to toast the bride and groom!
Elvis’ Bonus: The cook on the Titanic knew he was in trouble when he saw the kitchen sink!
Bob’s Bonus: Knock, knock. Who’s there? Mickey. Mickey who? Me keys lost… let me in!
Wednesday: I said to my other half “For the last 15 years, all you’ve done is find mistakes in anything I say.” She said, “16 years…”
Bob’s Bonus: How do you stop an astronaut’s baby from crying? You rock it!
Thursday: Did you hear about the ATM that was addicted to money? It suffered from withdrawals!
Bob’s Bonus: What are the strongest days of the week? Saturdays and Sundays. The rest are week days!
Friday: A listener sent me a joke in the mail. It took me a few days to get it though!
Nikki’s Mumma joke: The boss said to me “Nikki, you haven’t been listening to a word I’m saying to you”. I said “That’s a strange way to start a conversation”!