Dad Jokes of the Week – 28 October 2022

If you missed any of our Dad Jokes over the last week, here is your opportunity to keep yourself up to date with the best damn Breakfast Show giggles around!
Be listening to the Breakfast Show just after 7:00 am weekdays to ensure you get your daily dose and be first card out of the deck for the day.
Monday: So I did a blood test on a garden frog to extract its DNA and confirm its identity. I discovered the frog was 70% British, 20% French, 7% Italian, 2% Dutch and a tad Pole.
Bob’s Bonus: I’ve been driving around checking ATMs for money. I don’t know why they don’t put more money in them, ‘cos it kept saying ‘insufficient funds’!
Tuesday: I had a flat tire last night, but I’m too broke to get it fixed. I have to come up with a retirement plan!
Wednesday: I’m thinking of starting a social network for chickens. Not a full-time job or anything… just a way to make hens meet!
Bob’s Bonus: An underwear bandit was caught… and admitted to a brief crime spree!
Thursday: What do you get if you cross a skunk with a dumb owl?
Something that stinks but doesn’t give a hoot?
Friday: What do call a politically correct wolf? Aware wolf!
Sarah’s Grandmama Joke: I was going to tell you a carpentry joke. But I couldn’t find anything that wood work!